A letter to my younger self

Dear 19 year old Me

This is a letter from your fortysomething self.   I know you can't quite imagine being that old or even looking into the future too far.  Yes your A Level results were poor and yes you are in a tedious office job with a bitch as a supervisor.   Although you didn't go away to University, you will get that degree and you will do it fabulously.

Right now you are still slightly hung up on that artistic boy at college, thinking it was real love. It really wasn't.  Right now you are rather shy, small minded and judgmental, but you will open up and be more accepting.  Your job right now may be boring but the place you work will introduce you to people from all over the world, people with differing values and interests and beliefs.  This will change you for the better.

You don't realise it yet, but you are so lucky, your family are decent, loving people, your childhood was fun and warm.  Don't take that warmth and love too much for granted.  You will meet many people whose awful childhoods will cause damage to themselves and others.  

I know that you aren't particularly comfortable with who you are yet and your friends from school are now fading away.  But don't worry, you will find other friends who you will have more in common with than just a shared hatred of double maths.  You will learn gradually to be yourself and to accept who you are.  

Talking of friends, some of the best friends you will have will be those people who don't fit in, who aren't typical or fashionable, the geeks and obsessives, the random and the atypical.   People like you.  These are the people who will enrich your life immeasurably.  They are your tribe.

Be proud of who you are and where you come from.  Never stop being creative, no matter what path you take.  You will know sadness and pain and loss, but you will also know real joy and contentment and even love.  It will be the pain that helps you to become a better person, a stronger woman.  One day you will realise that your strength comes from the love you have been shown.  

Never compare yourself to other people.  They may seem as if they've got everything worked out, but generally it just means they are better at hiding their insecurities and worries.  People are all damaged, anxious, confused and clueless.  On the whole most people are also kind hearted and decent and capable of great things. Be kind as far as possible to everyone, most of all to yourself.

