Things that make me happy

Glimpses of real joy can be found amongst the sadness and confusion of this strange time.  Perhaps I'm lucky to have so many enthusiasms and interests, I seem to rarely feel bored at home.  I know I'm very lucky to have a chaotic but lovely garden that is keeping me sane.

I've been trying to count my blessings, not in a Pollyanna way, but in truly acknowledging the positives in my life. So many things do make me happy so I thought I'd make a list, perhaps you could do the same, they are often better for being small and seemingly insignificant.

The swifts when they return each May
Reading early 20th century novels
Growing herbs
Drawing and painting
Baking cakes
Sitting in front of the fire on a cold day
Lighting candles
Watching bees and hoverflies and butterflies
Doctor Who
Reading a book when its raining outside
Learning new crafts
Listening to Ella Fitzgerald
Looking out to sea
Anything by Paul McCartney
Anything on the Bloomsbury Group
Listening to the wireless
Discovering new authors or artists
Old films
